Though it's a bit late than usual schedule, Kalimantan International Indigenous Film Festival - KIFF proudly presents the powerful theme of “Empower. Embrace. Elevate: Honoring the Strength of Indigenous People.” We seek to highlight the films in which Indigenous stories are embraced, their rights are respected, and their voices are elevated.

We invite each and every one of you to join us on this transformative cinematic journey. This remarkable gathering of films serves as a platform for us to not only celebrate the rich cultural tapestry of indigenous communities but also to promote inclusivity, justice, and understanding. By showcasing these films, we strive to empower indigenous voices, shed light on their struggles and triumphs, and bring their stories to the forefront of global consciousness. By participating in our film festival, you become an agent of change, contributing to the ongoing movement towards recognizing and amplifying indigenous perspectives.

KIFF and its network are a platform for regional and international indigenous filmmakers to showcase their works, to form collaboration and solidarity, and to be able to share their stories with the global audience. Each of the submitted films plays an important role to voice and pass the indigenous stories that are often overlooked or ignored by the mainstream media.

Please kindly check the submission details before you fill out the form and ensure that you fill it in accords to the requirements.

KIFF 2023 Programming Committee