Founder & CEO


Emmanuela Shinta is a leader, activist, filmmaker and writer whose work is widely known in Asia Pacific. Born as a Dayak Maanyan, now she is one of prominent young indigenous woman with a reputation for leading and empowering young people, and also as an international speaker. She has been speaking at United Nations events, TEDx and various international forums.

Co-Founder & Finance Manager


Roro Ardya Garini is an indigenous woman who belongs to Dayak Ngaju tribe while her father is Javanese. She is the co-founder of Ranu Welum Foundation and working with Dayak young people to develop community businesses which are relevant to their skills and interest. She also establish clothing and culinary business as a social entrepreneur.

Head of Youth & Community Department

Sarasi Sylvester Sinurat belongs to Batak community. He is an alumni of Kalimantan Green Warriors and has worked with Ranu Welum since 2022 as the community engagement coordinator. He has expertise in social service and youth leadership with four year experience. He is also passionate in bringing transformation in the community through education for children.

Lead Officer & Media Expert

Rizky Marcelino was born in Palangkaraya and belong to Dayak Ngaju community. He is a photographer and videographer, expert in documentary and wildlife. He is also a part-time model for eco-fashion. Rizky is also passionate about organic farming and work with the community to give training on how to make organic fertilizer.